
A Minimalistic Garden Wedding in a Portuguese Manor

Location: Sintra, Portugal
Wedding season:
How long did the couple plan the event: 11 months

Number of guests: 80
Wedding theme/style:
Garden chic, classy, minimalistic.

Katie and Dylan met on a dating app, and their connection was immediate, it felt as if they had known each other for a lifetime. They decided to get married 5,5 years after the first date. For a proposal, Dylan chartered a custom 50′ sailboat in Norwalk, Connecticut, where he popped the question. It was an unforgettable moment that led them to tie the knot 11 months later in beautiful Portugal.

Pedro Filipe and his video team captured our wedding day beautifully. His documentary style not only showcased our love but also the excitement of our guests and the beauty of the venue. A true artist and professional in every sense.” said the bride. 

The couple chose Solar de Pancas in Sintra, Lisbon District, as their wedding venue: “The hardest decision was choosing a destination wedding, knowing some of our loved ones might not be able to attend. But travel and quality time are essential to us, and we felt that a destination wedding would offer a unique experience.” Katie shared.

While Katie took the lead in planning, she had support from various sources: “Organizing our wedding was challenging, particularly due to family dynamics and having to plan most of it virtually from the USA.”

Despite of all challenges, the ceremony was beautiful and lovely. They decided to exchanged their vows in the front garden with a ivy-covered manor as a backdrop with all their loved ones present. 

Afterward, the couple took a walk around the manor grounds to take their first photos as a newlywed couple. “In simple words: we are best friends. Our bond is built on trust, understanding, and countless memories.” said Katie.

The couple joined their guests for a relaxed cocktail hour in the manor’s sunlit gardens. Everyone enjoyed cool drinks and warm conversation, a perfect start to the evening’s festivities.

The reception was held in a clear-roofed pavilion, allowing the fading daylight to come through. Guests were seated at wooden tables adorned with fresh flowers and candles, creating an intimate atmosphere. The space struck a balance between rustic charm and classic elegance, ready for an evening of celebration. Katie commented: “We went for a minimalistic theme, taking inspiration from friends and platforms like Pinterest and TikTok.”

As the night drew to a close, the newlyweds cut their wedding cake together and, wrapped in each other’s arms, shared a dance, surrounded by loved ones and the soft glow of the pavilion lights, marking the end of a joyful day. “Our wedding day was magical, filled with love, laughter, and some unforgettable moments.” concluded the couple. 

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