
Villa La Commenda Concordia

Far from city noise and nestled among the endless stretch of the charming land of Tuscany there is a place full of love, natural beauty, and charm. It marries well beauty of nature with the beauty of the place. Villa La Commenda Concordia is located among the breathtaking scenery, infused by the power of nature, and just a short drive from the charming small town of Vicchio, the birthplace of Giotto, known as the “father of European painting” and the first of the great Italian masters, and the founder of the proto-Renaissance movement.There, at La Commenda Concordia, where you can lose the track of time and have a wonderful time with yourself, harmonising your inner self and find the balance. This is a small family-owned ecotourism place that was created with love and care to share it with the rest of the world.

There is no same room in the villa. Each boasts a unique bespoke style, emanating comfort and elegance. Every detail exudes sophistication, from the exquisite free-standing beds with hand-painted headboards to the carefully selected furniture pieces and artworks.

The harmony of the architecture and the very special place where you can sense the power of Mother Nature helps people to restore their inner power and find the balance many of us losing in a hectic busy life.
Serving: Italy, Tuscany
Serving: Italy, Tuscany

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