Nestled discreetly in the heart of Rome, near the renowned Villa Borghese, Villa Clara stands as a hidden jewel, epitomizing sumptuous luxury and historical grandeur. Its story traces back to the brink of the First World War, when the visionary engineer Adolfo Sebastiani conceived the idea to erect this architectural masterpiece in the 1910s.
The villa, constructed in the Liberty style heavily influenced by Greco-Roman architecture, is ensconced within the embrace of a classical Italian garden, lending an air of timeless elegance to its surroundings. For decades, Villa Clara served as the primary residence of a wealthy noble Italian family, witnessing the passage of time amidst its storied walls.
Villa Clara is perfectly suited for intimate gatherings such as small-scale events, romantic weddings, engagement parties, and elopements. Every corner of the villa, including its living spaces and charming garden, can be transformed to host private functions, ensuring a personalized and memorable experience for all.
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