
Nestled in the enchanting region of Umbria, between the awe-inspiring Marmore Falls and the picturesque town of Spoleto, lies the exquisite Abbazia San Pietro in Valle. This hidden gem has a breathtaking natural backdrop adorned with lush, verdant vegetation that blankets the entire Nera Valley. It provided the perfect setting for our editorial, adding an extra touch of beauty and elegance.

Art was the muse for our editorial shoot, guiding and influencing every aspect of our vision. The exquisite floral bouquets became integral to the overall wedding look, seamlessly blending with the venue and décor. Like strokes of a brush, they added vibrant splashes of color and a touch of natural beauty that enhanced the ambiance of the editorial. The makeup and hair, carefully curated to be soft and effortlessly natural, perfectly highlighted the bride’s radiant beauty. Bridal dresses were true masterpieces, meticulously crafted with the utmost attention to detail. From intricate lacework to delicate beading, every element is thoughtfully designed to create a stunning silhouette that would take everyone’s breath away. These gowns are wearable works of art that embody elegance and grace.

Welcome to our art-inspired editorial, where dreams come to life and inspiration awaits.

EDITORIAL for Wed Vibes | PHOTO Taylor English | VIDEO Leonid Smith | EDITORIAL PRODUCER Anastasia Popova | PRODUCTION MANAGER Olia Meldzikhova | DRESSES Bencivenga Alta Sartoria | MAKEUP Bezal Makeup | HAIR Sova Marina | FLORAL DESIGN Vertuanifiori | ACCESSORIES Jonida Ripani | CAKES Dolci Passioni Di Elisa Gjini | STATIONERY Studio Letteraventidue | VENUE Abbazia San Pietro in Valle

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