Poems, films, painting masterpieces, and theatrical performances are dedicated to female beauty. We also decided to sing an ode to tenderness, youth, and, of course, femininity. On the wedding day, a girl should feel special, so choosing an image that will be in harmony with the soul and heart is essential. Here are some exciting options for the upcoming spring-summer season.
And remember that no matter what you choose, all the magic of beauty is in your smile and sparkling eyes.

EDITORIAL for Wed Vibes | PHOTO Andrew Bayda | CONCEPT, STYLE Mrs. Maxim Wed Bureau | VIDEO Kroshka Hope | MODEL Salome Svanadze, Nadezhda from Patriot Model Management | DRESSES Bosco Ceremony | MUAH Zlata Lyaeva | FLORAL NN Decor Studio | VENUE Bosco Casa