Weekly live sessions with top-notch wedding pros

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Every week we invite some of the most distinguished and recognized industry professionals to share their knowledge, network and answer your questions live. 

Live sessions are exclusively available to the WedVibes Members.

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Live session recordings


Curating, sourcing and closing clients

Kennedy Bingham is a stylist, content creator and bridal expert based in Los Angeles.

She started Gown Eyed Girl in 2020 as a way to showcase the diversity and innovation in bridal she felt wasn’t being highlighted.

It has since grown into a brand that is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of what we think of as ‘bridal’ and empowering all kinds of brides to embrace the expression of love that feels most true to them.

657311243d7dc33e17b0681c_Danilo and Sharon photography-2

Content strategy for luxury couples

Danilo and Sharon became a recognised brand, known for its defined aesthetic approach and bespoke photography services.

The majority of the wedding and portrait work is inspired by the location and subjects themselves while keeping signature author aesthetics.

Working internationally, Danilo and Sharon photographed weddings and portraits around the world, from the busy streets of Hong Kong to historic Paris.


Powerful High-End Curation

Twah is a sought after & internationally recognized photographer known for her personalized approach. Her timelessly chic work has been seen in Vogue, Brides, Martha Stewart, Huffington Post and more.  

As a former NYC Fashion Designer, she takes her knowledge of style and weave it into her photography craft. Twah acts as the Art Director, leading her high caliber team to capture stories told with an editorial approach through a photojournalistic perspective.

Twah is also a speaker, educator and business mentor in the high-networth wedding space.


Holistic branding

With over 500 events spanning 20 countries, Alison has mastered the art of creating unforgettable experiences around the globe.
Alison is a three-time author, with her latest book slated for release in October.
Her expertise extends beyond the page – having orchestrated weddings for the likes of Seth Rogan, Jesse Bongiovi, Sophia Bush, Evan Williams, Chad Hurley, and numerous tech and finance icons.  

Live interview with Jove Meyer

Jove Meyer is a true visionary of joy. For the spaces we call home and the ones that house life’s biggest moments, he crafts a vivid, colorful world inspired by his clients who dare to be different.

Meyer set out to build a global design firm antithetical to his conservative and rigid upbringing by encouraging authenticity, celebrating diversity, and empowering marginalized communities.

As a result, his work has been featured in Domino, Good Morning America, The Magnolia Network, The New York Times, Rachael Ray Magazine, and Vogue, and Harper’s Bazaar and Martha Stewart named him one of the top wedding planners in the world.


Understanding your unique brand DNA

Mar’s journey began in the late 90’s with an agency for talented makeup artists who freelanced for renowned cosmetic brands like Christian Dior, Chanel, Smashbox, Stila, and Trish McEvoy. 

In 1999 she was hired to do hair and makeup for several Oscar nominees. It was then these high-profile celebrities began recommending Mar to their friends for special events and weddings.

Since then, Mar have had the privilege of working with Diana Ross, Arianna Huffington, Lauren Conrad, Tom Hanks, Elon Musk, and many others. Featured in People Magazine, Vogue, Over the Moon, Style Me Pretty, Wedding Chicks and Carats & Cake.


The path to premium

From the islands of the Maldives, to the Serengeti bush, to the rolling hills of the Irish countryside, photographer KT Merry has traversed the globe shooting exclusive destination weddings and fashion editorials. KT’s signature style blends her background in fine art and her years of experience assisting some of the world’s most celebrated fashion photographers.

KT has been named a Top Wedding Photographer by Harper’s Bazaar, Martha Stewart Weddings, and The Knot, and a Rising Star by Photo District News Magazine.


10 promotion mistakes blocking you from your dream couples

As Daria and Alina grew Wed Vibes to become the #1 fastest growing wedding media, they personally helped 100s of wedding professionals improve their marketing.

In this live session, they shared:

  • Top-10 mistakes people make promoting their work on the wedding market
  • How to overcome ghosting and maintain lively conversations with your clients
  • Hot to turn your Instagram into a gratitude journal and defeat impostor syndrome forever

How to get unstuck in your visual style

If you’re tired of filming the groom fixing their cufflinks and shooting the same flatlays from the same angles with the same colors…

Our long-time friends – Roma and Vera from RomaVera Films prepared an amazing live session for you! On this live session we learned:

  • How to get unstuck in your creative vision
  • How to notice the details that make every event unique
  • How to attract your dream couples by breaking the rules and producing bold and authentic work

Recognized as one of the best videographers in Europe by Wed Vibes, Roma and Vera are known for representing their couples’ uniqueness through cinematography.


How to increase your business bottom line with innovative CRM

Alexey Nikityuk, the founder of Maroo – a payments platform tailored to the weddings and events industry.

Access the recording to learn simple practical steps to maximize your profit:

  • how to decode your P&L and find growth levers
  • how to stay financially sustainable both on- and off-season
  • how to automate your finance routines with modern apps

PR tips for wedding professionals

Ksenia Ponka has built an impressive career in PR and brand marketing, working with top luxury brands such as Baccarat, Christofle, Lalique, Bernardaud, Fabergé, Maison Ladurée, Bonpoint and many others.

Ksenia’s expertise in blending creative marketing with effective public relations makes her a standout speaker for our webinar.

Watch this live session to learn:

  • how to get your dream media to respond
  • how to spy in media editors and build deeper connections
  • how to become a go-to person for media content & partnerships

Pushing the boundaries with a luxury wedding portfolio

Cameron, founder of the Lensel newsletter, is an upscale wedding photographer driven by romance and timeless aesthetics. Recognized by top publications in Tatler, British Vogue, The Lane, Together Journal, Anti-Bride. 

Access the recording to learn:

  • how to push the boundaries of your upscale portfolio
  • how to leverage non-conventional angles
  • how to uncover your couple’s uniqueness with storytelling

How to create a strong personal brand on the upscale market

Andrew Bayda is a photographer, celebrated for his spectacular work across the USA and Europe.

With a portfolio featuring celebrity weddings and fashion editorials, Andrew’s work has appeared in renowned publications like Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, and Tatler.

Access the recording to learn:

  • how to create an upscale wedding portfolio
  • how to open the destination market in Europe and the US
  • how to serve high-end couples with excellence

How to create a strong personal brand on the upscale market

Roman is one of our biggest success stories so far. In just a few years he had become one of the most prominent Como wedding photographers.

Roman shared a story of:

  • how he started out on lake Como
  • how Editorials helped skyrocket his career
  • how he balances professional and personal in his Instagram
  • how he leverages media features for his personal brand

Unlocking the lake Como destination wedding market

Anastasia is an ultra-luxury Como wedding planner with 12+ years of experience.

Finalists of Wedding Awards, members of the world’s best vendor list Little Black Book by Style Me Pretty. 

Access the recording to learn:

  • how to establish partnerships with planners in your dream destinations
  • how to start winning couples on lake Como
  • how to attract your dream planners’ attention

Our mission

Wed-Vibes Editorial - Napa Valley

At Wed Vibes, our mission is to empower wedding professionals to expand their businesses while inspiring couples worldwide to discover the best ideas and creative partners for their special days.

As a wedding media platform, we provide wedding professionals with marketing tools and access to our exclusive community of established wedding professionals to network and grow together.

Sign up to access upcoming live sessions

Every week we invite some of the most distinguished and recognized industry professionals to share their knowledge, network and answer your questions. 

The live session recordings are available exclusively to the Wed Vibes Members.

Sign up to get notified of future events.

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15 Creative Wedding Ideas
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Feb 26, 12pm ct

Luxury Portfolio Curation

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