Amuri portrait

Amuri Events & Wedding Planner

Amuri is a high-end event company based in Berlin, serving all of Sicily. They specialize in creating unforgettable destination weddings and elopements that embody love and well-being. The company's founder, Barbara, has several years of experience in tourism, luxury hospitality, and the event industry. Through Amuri's events, she strives to showcase Sicily's understated elegance and refined simplicity.

The company's motto, "Less is more," reflects its philosophy of true elegance. Amuri works with selected and highly qualified Sicilian vendors and artists to promote Sicily's beauty globally. Their team is dedicated to turning dreams into reality, creating lifetime memories, and supporting local makers.

With meticulous attention to detail and a focus on cultural diversity and personalized experiences, Amuri ensures that every event is a unique and unforgettable celebration of love. Their international mindset, multilingual team, and vibrant Sicilian spirit make them the ideal choice for couples seeking a truly memorable wedding experience in Sicily.

Serving: Sicily, Italy
Amuri portrait
Serving: Sicily, Italy
Photo credit: Libby Wills, Valeria Pitarresш, Lukas Piatek, Rosita Lipari, The Santoros, Salvatore Aiello e Carla Pagano, Nunzio Bruno

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