Elyssa & Thomas - Wedding in Cannes

Thomas Audiffren

Thomas Audiffren, a destination wedding photographer, creates timeless memories that feel straight out of modern fairytale movies. Authenticity, sophistication, and softness are the guiding principles behind Thomas's approach to photography.

Based in Cannes, Thomas has captured once-in-a-lifetime moments in every corner of France - from Paris and Provence to the French Riviera. And he is always ready to follow the brides and grooms-to-be worldwide, effortlessly catching the essence of each location.

Using his beloved medium format camera as the main allows him the time needed to create a delicate and romantic aesthetic. His inspiration from nature and cinema helps him transport everyone to a truly poetic world.

Serving: France, Worldwide, Italy
Elyssa & Thomas - Wedding in Cannes
Serving: France, Worldwide, Italy
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