
Shauna Cooney

Shauna and Jordon's artistic journey takes them behind the scenes, where they capture the essence of stories that aren't their own. Rather than seeking the spotlight, they find fulfillment in guiding the narrative, allowing their clients to take center stage as the heroes.

Their role as a husband and wife team profoundly shapes their storytelling vision, resulting in a dynamic interplay that influences how they uniquely document each wedding day. Through their lenses, a dance of dualities emerges, where opposites harmonize—masculinity meets femininity, the literal intertwines with the whimsical, and the organic finds rhythm within the structure.

Navigating the fine line between fine art and editorial, they freeze heartbeats, steal glances, and whisper vows, preserving the intricacies of each story. Their lens becomes a vessel, transporting clients back to the emotions of their journey.

Serving: USA, Worldwide
Serving: USA, Worldwide
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An Enchanting Wedding at the Legendary Palace Hotel in Florida

Ariel and Clayton Highlights _Shauna and Jordon Photography_0139

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