
Tulipina / Kiana Underwood

Tulipina is an internationally renowned floral design studio creating bespoke floral experiences for ultra-luxury weddings and events. Based in New York, but with a team of more than 50 people worldwide, Tulipina specializes in destination events for discerning clientele.

Featured regularly in publications such as Vogue, Tulipina is consistently named a top floral design firm, and one of the top wedding florists in the world by Harper’s Bazaar.

Kiana is the celebrated floral artist at the creative helm of Tulipina. Her use of unique color combinations and floral varieties draws wedding clients from all over the world, and floral designers to her sold-out workshops in exotic locations including Canada, Chile, China, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Russia, Ukraine, and Singapore.

Serving: Worldwide, USA
Serving: Worldwide, USA

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